Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Sayang titow dalam bas

Nama dia Nik Radiah Nik Roslan. Seorang yang sweet and baik. Saya sayang dia. Oh saya panggil dia sayang. Shuke² je. Kitaorang bukanlah couple. Cuma kawan baik sahaja. Ni ada surat untuk sayang. Hope kalaulah sayang ada terbaca.

You know that how much I care for you right? I promise (insyaALLAH) I'll be always care for you. I promise again, I'll not be a pain to you. You know how much I'll worry about you right? Don't worry, I'll always am. Sayang in this letter, in my own diary, I hope that you'll accept me for who I am. I hope you are willingly to befriend with me. We will always be best of friends in awkward way.

I'm sorry if I bother you too much.
I'm sorry if I way too care for you.
I'm sorry if I behave the way I'm suppose not to be.
I'm sorry if I am sending too much messages to you.
I'm sorry if I over react if something come up.
I'm sorry for everything, okay?

In this circle of friendship, I hope you're not intimidate by me. I hope that your life will be better with me around. I hope that your face always covered with smile with me as your friend. I hope everything will be cheerful as long have you and me. I hope you will do your best for exam. I hope that you and your friends will be Friend Forever. I really really hope the BEST for you. No matter what you do, no matter where you are, no matter when the time is.

I don't have words to describe how much I am glad to meet you.Forever I'm your friend. I'm yours sayang :)

1 comment:

AkuAyie said...

wah! yomentiknya!! :P