Friday, July 22, 2011

Good Luck Dude!

Okay first of all,let me greet all bloggers "Hi,how are you all?" :) I know it been ages since I updated my blog.But praise to Allah that there some of you still looking at my blog and keep support me.Thank you all :)) I publish this post specially for someone who're inspire by high-fashion and designs.He's one of the greatest new designer in blog's world.He's genuinely good no I should talented in designs and fashions.I love his beautiful arts,unique designs and graceful masterpiece :) To you great and brave designer,here a letter for you.

Dear Sandra Azwan,

I wish you a great opportunities in your carrier.A great man will achieve success like you do.You're a brave designer to produce such an inspirational outfits.Such talents at a young age is rare to be found.I love the way your illustrates your design and oh how I wish that I can be as good as you.I think you found your dream job and I hope I'll find mine too.I believe your carrier will be glorious!

Sandra,you're such a good man even I never see you.You good to everyone in blog's world and you're such an inspiration to me.No,its not sweet words I given you it is just compliments from a tiny person like me.I will be glad if we meet someday :) You're truly good in your line (oh,I don't know how many times I wrote bout this,LOL) and you proof to the world that you can be better than everyone.You outfits reflects yourself and image.I really feel Sandra Azwan's soul by looking at your designs.I truly believe that you put all the emotions from the beginning you started working on your garments.I really believe.

Sandra,I hope you can be a trendsetter (which you already be) in our future fashion shows and line.I want you to be a designer that full of experiences and have your own fashion house.Aww,I look forward to that.Last but not least,I hope you'll meet your favourite person,Nicolas Ghesquière and I wish a great success in future.Thats all.


p/s;Sandra,looking forward for your appearance in Sejuta Impian this Sunday :) Good Luck!

Sandra's Blog Header

Sandra Azwan himself,the great future designer


Sandra Azwan said...

Dear Arab,

It's very nice to hear from you and thank you for your gud thoughts on
my work, carrier and everything =).Appreciate it very much.
This is so sweet!! Thank you so much!!!!;-)

with Love,
Sandra Azwan

Mr.Superman said...

wah..ada entri khas pny tuk sndra, :) bgs la cmni.