Sunday, June 6, 2010

Ring Ding Dong

"Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding,"
-SHINee,Ring Ding Dong-

Hello.Welcome back to my journal.Well not in the mood for blogging.Syed ask me to update my blog cause its so dusty in here.Okay Sir I'll do it!Firstly it been awhile since I write,so I wanna ask my followers "How are you guys?".If you're a true follower,then answer it okay?THANK YOU!I wanna say few things here.Let me start with introducing one of my BFF's blog.



Botz,hope you'll keep your blog alive.You're such a goodfast learner.Beat me in this bloggy things okay?Hahahah ^^,

Next,tommorow I'll be attenting a seminar at my school.I'll be posting pictures bout it.Hope you'll enjoy it.Oh yeah I wanna ask favour from all of you.Please drop your comments at my shoutbox okay.Anyone.I miss those day you all talking to me.And that's why I love people who visited my blog freqeuntly.Thank you so much if you have done so :)


stubydo said...

btol kew kne tulis kat sni?
maklumlah,budak bru nak merangkak..hahhaha..
sehat2..ape kabar ko?hehhehhe

Arab said...

Botz,you're a true follower.Btw,ble nak follow aku?Aku sehat aje.Huhuhu.

~s.y.e.d~ said...

Gud job Ashraf!
U managed to update it..

Arab said...

Hey Syed.Thank you!Jasamu tetap ku kenang.Lu bile mau update?hahahah :)